Saturday, August 18, 2012


Jessie got a fishing pole for her birthday so we have been wanting to take her fishing.
The thought of taking her to the lake gives me very bad anxiety so we decided to take her to the 'Res'. Still gives me anxiety but not as bad as crusin' on a boat.
Tonight the weather was nice so we loaded up the rhino with our fishing poles and went!
 Jessie wears her sunglasses outside. It's so funny, but she looks adorable!!

 At one point she was in the water and slipped and went under.
She didn't like it. I think it scared her cause she didn't want much to do with the water after that. (Which was fine by me!)

 We didn't catch a single fish! But we did have fun and got out of the house! I love the simple things we do that are so fun and memorable.
Jessie LOVES the rhino. She was wanting to set in the rhino instead of play in the mud/water. So I told Cody to leave me and see if she even cared. Bad idea. I was hoping she would get upset and want me to come too. Nope, she just waved Bye-Bye. Little turd.

On another note.. I am LOVING being home. I feel like I have time to enjoy time. On my days off previously I felt like I had so much to do (laundry, cleaning, all my shows on the DVR, ect.) that I couldn't just set and enjoy my time with Jessie. I always felt so busy!
That has all changed. And it's AMAZING!
We haven't even gotten too bored.
I have gotten all my scrapbook stuff. I'm only a year behind on Jessie's book! So I've been doing that and it's been fun.
Another thing I have enjoyed is pinterest. I have had one for awhile but never really looked at it.
I'm now looking at it 2 or so times a day playing around looking at recipes and crafts. Gahh.

Thanks for reading!!

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